The principle to acupuncture, but with absolutely no needles involved and no additional equipment required, acupressure is a fascinating health tool that you can start using today. That’s right, self-acupressure is not hard to do and it simply involves applying pressure to your own acupressure points. Thankfully, more and more people are realizing that acupressure can help with pain rather than turning to addictive opioids.
There are many pressure points on the body and when I say “the body,” I mean all over the entire body, from your head to your toes and so many places in between! There are pressure points on the body to relieve pain, pressure points for nausea, pressure points to induce labor … the list goes on and on.
Acupressure Vs Acupuncture
This is the first question that almost everyone asks when it comes to acupressure…how does it differ from acupuncture? To be honest, this is the first question that I asked as well when I first heard of acupressure. To put things in perspective, they are two different things and yet they have a lot of similarities as well. What I can say though is that you should not confuse one over the other. The main difference between the two is this: we all know that when we talk about acupuncture, obviously we are referring to the natural therapy that uses needles. These needles are usually applied to specific areas or “points” in ones body. This, though, is another article for another day. Right now our focus is about acupressure. Which leads me educate you on what acupressure is. Basically, it is more or less similar to acupuncture and its concepts, but without the use of needles. You see, acupressure also focuses on the different points in our body. But instead of using needles, therapists are using manual pressure—usually using their fingers.
Relieving Stress, Tension And Anxiety
Nowadays, it seems fairly easy to be stressed or be anxious. Especially when you’ve got such a demanding job or business; sometimes it’s hard to keep up with the stress, worry and anxiety that comes along with it.
The good thing about acupressure is that it can help you be relieved of those things. You would be amazed how applying pressure to the different points in our body can make a huge difference in our lives.
Improving Sleep
Insomnia. Many people suffer from it; and oftentimes we can attribute stress as one of the reasons why we have it. It is important to know that there are a few pressure points in our body that we can massage (or apply pressure on) that in turn allows us to combat insomnia.
You should try that one out for yourself as well. You will notice a significant difference when it comes to your sleep. As you will be able to sleep better and not have to worry about insomnia no more.
Relaxing Muscles And Joints
Apparently, acupressure also helps in taking care of the physical tension that we feel in our bodies every now and then. It’s understandable as our day to day activities can sometimes be physically demanding also. It is wonderful to know that there are also specific pressure points in our bodies that would be able to help us relax our muscles and joints.
Reducing Digestive Issues
Digestive problems are a lot common than you think. Chronic stress, overeating or eating too many high fat foods…these are some of the common causes of several digestive issues that could cause problems in your life. And the thing is it can happen to you when you would least expect it.
Knowing the pressure points that can help reduce these issues can be of a big help. Acupressure can help cure digestive imbalance. This happens by reducing stress as well as regulating the endocrine and nervous system hyperactivity.
Minimizing Headaches
Of course, as if there was ever a doubt with this. Acupressure is also very good in minimizing headaches. This is, after all, another common occurrence in our everyday lives. Especially if you’re looking at the computer too much or you’re straining your eyes for a particular reason. Acupressure can definitely help you with this as well. And you would be surprised; because there are times wherein massaging these pressure points would help you get rid of your headache problem right away.
1. If you cant sleep -
1. If you cant sleep -
Final Thoughts
- Acupressure therapy is used to improve the flow of energy in the body which in China is referred to as qui or chi, in Japan it’s ki and in Indian Ayurveda it’s called prana.
- Stimulating acupressure points is believed to improve the body’s circulatory, lymphatic, immune and hormonal systems. Overall, it’s used to boost the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Acupressure point manipulation has been shown to help a wide range of health problems including chronic pain (like headaches and back aches), PMS, sleep difficulties and nausea. It’s also employed to encourage labor in pregnant women.
- Acupressure therapy is used to improve the flow of energy in the body which in China is referred to as qui or chi, in Japan it’s ki and in Indian Ayurveda it’s called prana.
- Stimulating acupressure points is believed to improve the body’s circulatory, lymphatic, immune and hormonal systems. Overall, it’s used to boost the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
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